Academic Policy

At God's Grace School, studies are governed by variety of academic policies and procedures. Students are expected to familiarize themselves and follow the academic policies outlined below. We review and update these policies periodically to stay up-to-date and relevant in the context of effective information dissemination. The academic policies and procedures formulated by the institute varies subject to the different academic levels in the school. In order to stay abreast with the latest policy changes students and parents are requested to check this page from time to time.

The parameters covered by the GGS Academic Policy section is broadly outlined below:

  • Code of Conduct for Students
  • Attendance
    • Late Arrival
    • Absence from School due to Medical Ground
  • Disciplinary Action and Penalties
  • School Transport
  • Usage of Computer LabHealth & Hygiene
  • Academics
    • Academic Year and Student Assessment
    • Grading System
    • Proficiency Certificates
    • Assessment
  • Resource Centre
  • School Uniform
  • Students’ Council and Monitor System

  • Desist from giving gifts to teachers
  • Display a positive attitude towards learning and the school environment
  • Respect and accept all individuals whether they are students or adults
  • Be accountable for their actions
  • Use their privileges with a sense of responsibility
  • Respect and obey all persons in authority
  • Practice academic honesty
  • Meet all classroom standards of behaviour and performance
  • Know and obey the school rules and regulations
  • Follow the school dress code
  • Students are expected to reach 10 minutes before the school starts. Students arriving later are not allowed to enter the school premises without a plausible explanation.
  • Arriving late for school is not acceptable. Students found to have come late for more than three days in a month will not be allowed to attend classes on third such occurrence and disciplinary action shall be taken against them.
The school's Resource Centre is open to all students from class I onwards. All classes have one Resource Centre period in their weekly schedule barring XI & XII for whom services of the resource centre is always available. Students visiting the Resource Centre have to observe the following rules:
  • Every student shall borrow and read books from Resource Centre each month, as per activities listed in the schedule. Until the previously issued book is returned, student will not be eligible for a fresh issue.
  • Reference books are not for issue. This book can be read only in the Resource Centre.
  • If books are returned late a nominal fee of Re 1 per day will be levied.
  • Books marked, disfigured, damaged or lost in their possession will have to be replaced by the borrower, failing which their parents will be billed thrice the cost of a replacement.
  • Any student found deliberately damaging or defacing a book may be debarred from the Resource Centre for the entire term or academic year.
  • The Resource Centre has an open access system, and students must help to maintain the order and organization of the collection in different shelves. They must place the books in the shelves strictly according to the call number, after consultation with the librarian.
  • Students are not allowed to bring their personal books or belongings to the Resource Centre.
  • Resource Centre books should be returned on time, failing which, parents will be asked to report to school and explain the non-return of Resource Centre books by their ward.
  • Strict discipline has to be maintained in the Resource Centre. It is mandatory for all the students to do the activities stated in the list of activities of Resource Centre.
A properly headed general administration department looks after all important administrative areas like safety, security, hygiene and sanitation, student's health care and campus beautification.
  • All students are expected to carry their hand sanitizer.
  • LKG/ UKG children have to bring an extra set of Uniform in their bag for the emergency situation arising due to poor toilet habits.
  • School objects to students eating junk food as it is injurious to health.
  • Packaged food items are not allowed in school.
  • Parents are encouraged to give a healthy lunch box to the students which is not detrimental to health.We request the parents to monitor the quantity of food in their tiffin box and to avoid wastage of food at all cost.
The napkin and mat issued to LKG and UKG children are integral part of school uniform and hence the students have to carry these things to school daily and use it while having their Tiffin.
Evaluation is done on the whole year's performance and not merely on the basis of final assessment only for promotion. Progress report cards are issued twice an academic year i.e. Half yearly and session ending.

Class I -IV
Students assessed through internal assessments,class test, half-yearly examination and session ending examination. Evaluation of the student is based on whole year performance of all test. Pass mark for all students is 35%

Class V-IX
Students assessed through internal assessments, class tests, half-yearly examination and session ending examination. Evaluation of the student is based on whole year performance of all the tests. Pass mark for all subjects (class V to VIII) is 40% and for class IX is 35% .

Class X
Students are assessed through internal assessments, class test, pre-selection, selection and rehearsal. Pass mark for all subjects is 33%. Assessment:

There are regular continuous assessments in the form of class work, project and oral. Apart from these, there are two terminal assessments. Results are given after the assessment to parents to access the ward's ability to school.
For Classes III - X
Certificates will be awarded subject wise to the student who has secured A1 in individual subjects. Grades will be awarded to the students as mentioned above.
A students' council will be formed every session in order to instill leadership quality in students. This gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership. The Students% Council becomes a mouthpiece of the students. They act as a link between the Head of the School, Teachers and Students. They help to organize different activities scheduled in the event calendar along with the teacher. The student from Class VI onwards gets organized into house system. Future Campus School has 4 houses, Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Each house has designated role models & are guided by a motto such as :
  • Red House

  • Blue House

  • Yellow House

  • Green House
  • The basic purpose of this house system is to inculcate leadership qualities amongst students which make them courageous and confident. All houses are led by house captains assisted by vice captains who are elected by the house every year. These leaders work under the guidance of house teachers, who in turn take responsibility in helping their respective houses to participate in inter-house competition throughout the year and also during the Annual Sports.
    • Desist from giving gifts to teachers
    • All students are expected to attend the opening day of school immediately following the vacations. Absence on the day of reopening of the school will lead to disciplinary action.
    • It is compulsory for students to attain 85% attendance for classes LKG to VIII and 75% for classes IX to XII in each term or unit in order to be eligible to appear for the end-of-term assessment. This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Principal.
    • Absence for more than 15% of the total number of working days for classes I to X and 25% for LKG, UKG, XI and XII may result in detention of the child in the same class.
    God Grace School students will be encouraged to complete assignments using computers / word processors. In the Primary School, there will be due emphasis on handwriting and presentation skills and it must be remembered that all tests and examinations are handwritten.

    • Any internet use by students in school will always be closely supervised and directed by members of staff and will be used only in specific relation to curriculum needs. Students are never allowed to use the internet without such supervision. Parents are also respectfully advised to supervise their children at home when they are accessing the internet. The school invests significant resources in the provision of computing resources for students. In order to ensure maximum access, computing resources must be used in a responsible way. Students are strongly advised to read these regulations carefully. Failure to comply, with the regulations will result in the withdrawal of students right to use these facilities and may lead to further disciplinary action.
    • Use of School computing facilities for students’ commercial gain is prohibited.
    • Improper behaviour towards Computer Staff will result in formal disciplinary action.
    • The failure of any element of computing service will not be accepted as a valid excuse of failure to reach an acceptable standard in assignments or examinations.
    • Do not use another users login ID and password, not allow the password of any account issued to you to become known to any other person.
    • You must log out at the end of each logged in session unless prevented by system failure.
    • Do not remove, borrow, connect or disconnect equipment without permission.
    • Direct communication such as online chat facilities will not be allowed at the school.
    • Do not hack, access, copy, delete or amend information or resources of another user.
    • Do not initiate or perpetuate any chain e-mail message.
    • Do not deliberately create, display, produce, store, circulate or transmit defamatory or libelous material.
    • Do not make deliberate unauthorized access to facilities or services accessible via School LAN.
    • If there is damage to any computing facility, School reserves the right to charge students for the cost of rectification of such damage and/ or further disciplinary action.
    • Students must not copy onto school equipment any software, games or files unassociated with school-related tasks.
    • Students are not allowed to create any page in the name of School in any Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. and post any kind of message or photo on it.
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    60, Barrack Rd, Barrackpore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700120

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